Tuesday, August 21, 2007
It's time to reveal...
Monday, August 20, 2007
It's spring time!
Love mum's flowers! Very pretty! Whole tree full with blooming flowers. Down side is that the flowers won't stay pretty for long.
The difference between photos taken with/without day sunlight. The below look much more prettier!
Other than the morning-glory look-alike flowers at my home, there are also ROSES!
Rose bud ("ROSES butt")
Full blooming rose!
Friday, August 17, 2007
- Where is your cell phone? At my desk, where I can reach it easily.
- Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes, what about him?
- Your hair? Long, and not so proud of it.
- Your mother? She's just like a sister to me. Love her to bits!
- Your father? Not like my brother! He's too strict. Just dad.
- Your favorite thing? My bantal busuk.
- Your dream last night? Slept like dead. No dreams.
- Your favorite drink? Coffee and "kit-chai shuin mui".
- Your dream car? Already.
- Say something about life? Take a look at my blogspot's header.
- Your ex? None.
- Your fear? Fear of height, no money, getting old, dying...
- Where do you want to be in 10 years? Opening my own shop - whatever it will be.
- Who did you hang out with last night? My mum and Mr. Bantal Busuk
- What you're not good at? Being with new people.
- Muffins? Absolutely! With cuppa coffee please.
- When you DIE, u'd rather be CREMATED or BURIED? Cremated and ashes thrown into the sea.
- Where you grew up? Seremban, best place for siew-pau and siew-hai
- Last place you've been to? My home.
- What are you wearing? T-shirt inside, company's uniform on the outside, jeans, company's shoe.
- Where are you? Inside office, doing survey. Previously done the poo-poo survey.
- Your pet/s? Dodo, LengLeng, ChungChung and Bobby.
- Your computer? 1 lappie and 1 PC.
- Your life? Sometimes dull.
- Your mood? Tired.
- Missing? My JJ's CD. It got lost.
- What are you thinking about right now? Going home.
- Your car? White Myvi SE.
- Your work? Nothing but tiring.
- Your summer? All year long.
- Your relationship status? As stable as the Petronas Twin Tower.
- Your favorite color? Black
- When was the last time you laugh at? This morning. Laughed at my boss.
- Last time you cried? Can't remember.
- School? Missing every moment. Wish I can turn back time for the good ol' days.
- What you hope to do? Travel around the world!
- Who will you want to travel with? Him.
- What you wish to happened now? 5.50 pm
- What kind of people you hate? Two-faced goblin.
- What you want to say to your family? I'll be home for dinner.
Conclusion: I'M SO DAMN BORED NOW!!!
Hooray! Tomorrow's Saturday and I've decided that I wanna do something with my hair before flying over for convocation. Cheng cheng cheng...
Wait and see... it will be:
1. Proud with my new hair style
2. Stucked with hat until my hair grow out.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Dim Sum Day!
- Dim sum are cheap and delicious.
- Fast service.
- Lots of variety.
- Serves great chinese tea (unlike some other shops that serves low quality tea leaves).
- The prawns in the dim sum are big, fresh, juicy and succulent!
Everyone'e happy espeacially my mum - of course lar, her daughter belanja her breakfast wor!
Anyway, the restaurant is a must-go again and again and again.......
I forgot to take the pictures of the dim sum that we ate. Just remember AFTER finish the foods. Stomach super full and everyone's happy = RM41.20
From the look on her face, obviously she's happy with her Kopi-O Kau...
Busy busy... All kinds of dim sum are brought to your table for you to choose. If your favorite dim sum is not on their tray, just order and the waiter will bring it over for you.

Happy mum = Happy daughter!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
In person - Canon Ixus 950 IS is super heavy (without battery). And because of that I opt for the latter.

FOR HIM. (RM218 reduced to RM80)
FOR ME. (Free...)
FOR ME. SPF 15 Sunscreen Spray RM80 reduced to RM35 and Tonjour Parfume RM120 reduced to RM50. All products not expired, not opened, not berkulat, etc etc... What a bargain! =) Happy happy...
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Friday is coming!
Small kids love Friday because there are lotsa cartoons and Power Rangers for them in the weekend.
Primary and Secondary kids love Friday, just because they can play around in the weekend. Primary kids watch their kid's show, Secondary kids go lepak-lepak at Terminal 1 Shopping Centre, Seremban Parade or Jusco (the latest attraction). Same goes to University students - movie, clubbing, karaoke, mamaks, Dota, etc etc... ALL on weekends. I remember I hated Monday because there's Perhimpunan Hari Isnin. Teachers, Guru Besar, etc etc will babble non stop on Monday (talk about gangsterisme, sanitary pads stucked inside toilet bowls, hukuman pelajar di khalayak ramai, and so much more... All we have to sit there, under the morning sun, listen to their speech.)
Working adults (like me! *cheh cheh cheeeeh*) grabs Mr. Saturday for shopping and brownie indulgence and Mr. Sunday for family day, which includes doing house chores, washing my poot-poot-cheh (aka car) and online sepuas-puasnya.
I HATE MONDAY (just like Garfield do). Monday is the day where hectic in work begins. Stress. Tension. Loaded with work. Energy drained. Fullstop.
Another 2 hours and 35 minutes more to Friday - 3rd August 2007!!! Celebrating Friday.
(Aih... How I wish the TGI Friday's slogan is true - "Everyday is Friday")
*P/S: Dear Boss, I don't care if Sony working on Saturday, cause I won't do my overtime for you this Saturday! Saturday is my Camera-Hunting-Day!