5 Things In My Bag:
- Mobile phone. A must. Just in case of emergencies. ANY emergencies at all. But your phone must be loaded with credit lar... If no credit how to make calls during emergencies? Run to nearest reload shop to get reload cards?
- Spring water spray. Prevent dryness to my face. *wink*
- Blotter. Combination skin like mine need lotsa blotters. Collect all the blotters and squeeze the oils out, and you can get enough oil to fry char kuey teow. Serious.
- Purse. No money no talk.
- Thailand version of Tiger Balm. I'm just so scared of mosquito bites. I can scratch non-stop till it bleeds sometimes. That's why I must have Tiger Balm along with me.
5 Things In My Purse:1. Cash. Only RM20. It's end of the month. *sob*sob*
2. Promotion coupons from J.Co doughnut at Pavillion, KL. Free 1 doughnut with every purchase!
3. Loyalty cards - Jusco Card, Bonuslink, Real Rewards, Popular card, Tesco card and Padini card.
4. Identity Card.
5. Driving Licence. Can't go anywhere without ID Card and driving licence.
5 Things In My Room: 1. Skincare products. I'm afraid of my combination skin and the amount of sebum they produce. That's why I must use mattifying skincare products. *hate the sebums*god please gimme normal skin*
2. Lotsa framed pictures. From left (top): Genting trip with Aw, Val and SiowMei; me when I'm a baby (cute ar???); mum and I; Red Crescent school team (Aw, SiowMei, SeokChing, Connie, SauTheng and me); Form 5 schoolmates during our last day in school; third year uni-life; and me during the convocation session (receiving the scroll!)
Another framed pictures of graduation pictures of me with my family and WH.
3. Novels. Some bought loooOOOoong time ago but never got the time to read it.
4. A VERY messy study table. This table used to accompany me during my PMR, SPM and STPM exams. Now it's just something that I use to place all my stuffs. Messy right? I know... ^^
5. Lotsa photo albums. Containing all my memories from me as a kid until now... I love browsing through photos, not digital ones.5 Things I'm Doing Now:
- Doing this tag.
- Eating an apple.
- Thinking of where should I go during December holiday.
- Watching news on TV while typing this tag (yes).
- Yawning.
5 Things I Wanna Do:
- Explore the world, learn more about other culture. Around the world in eighty days! Just wanna travel more!
- Take up yoga class.
- Be good to all people.
- Learn Photoshop.
- Buy my own house.
5 People I Wanna Tag:
So come on... Continue the tagging! Bite everyone!
4 *twinkles*:
haha...thx for ur tagging..
cham..nw i hv to think who to tag..n wat to write..T______T
Omg I can' believe I'm up on your wall of fame!! *sobs sobs* so 'kam tung' huhuhuhuuuu... great times great times.. now we all seem so old wahhaahahahaha
yup, and before we know it, we'll be so OLD and wrinkly~!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! we r still young...they Forever 21 but we are Forever 18!!!
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