Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm tired yet satisfied :)

Click, then read. *wink*

Worn-out? Of course I do! :D Although I am exhausted, but yet I am truly satisfied. After reaching home after work at 6:00 pm, I will take bath and dinner, and indulge short online moments. Afterward, I would proceed with my projects. :)


On weekdays, I will prepare cupcake boxes and on weekends, sweetie would come over and help me with the figurines. Thanks sweetie! :k Without your help, I would not be able to finish it on time.


We would only be able to do this lil' hobby of ours in the weekend. So now, instead of lingering around Mid Valley/The Curve/Ikea/Jusco Seremban 2/etc and spending money, we are now earning small bucks. :)


Are you happy? Yes, of course we do! We had great time with the cupcakes and figurines (though there are disagreements and squabbles *wink*) but on the other hand we are having so much enjoyment. We felt that our Saturdays and Sundays were fruitful (and not by shopping, wasting money and time, as what happened before).


I will carry on with this lil' hobby and improve gradually each and every project given to me. To all of my friends who had given me a chance in this small-home-based-business of mine, and putting your trust in me, I would like to say a big...


5 *twinkles*:

SongKeat said...

does 8868 mean anything in particular?

Beverly's Secret said...

I love it~~ That's so sweet~~ Especially the 4D and the spanner!!! It's so cute!!!

You must not just keep this as a hobby. Turn it into a business, a big one!!! All the best to you...

Akira 思胜 said...

4D numbers? Gosh! XD

古墓街第7号當鋪 said...

Wow. Good to see ya so "in" to something meaningful. If i hv the $$$ and time, i will take up the cup-cake course also.

Shelyn said...

Are those real cupcakes? Too cute to swallow them!!


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