Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Unkaizan Japanese Restaurant, Langkawi

What do you do when you got hungry?
Yes, you go to eat! :$

Now, pluck your own rice!

Hahahaha... do you wanna waste your food, anymore? ;) Okay, I was just kidding on the plucking part, BUT I'm still serious on not wasting your food, alright!

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Beautiful lushful greenery of the paddy field to refresh your mind and to relax your soul.

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And now think of the people suffering from insufficient food in Third World. :(

Let's not forget that I'm hungry!!!
Ding dong... Iratshaimasen~ (means "welcome" in Japanese). :$ Welcome to Unkaizan Japanese Restaurant, located at:

Lot 395, Jalan Telok Baru Pantai Tengah,
70000 Langkawi,
Kedah Darul Aman.

It can be easily be seen when you are traveling to Awana Porto Malai Resort. No I was not paid for this advertisement! :)

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Unkaizan enjoys a hillside location with stunning sunset views over the Andaman Sea. Unkaizan's oriental charm can be felt right from its serene entrance where guests are ushered to the beginning of a truly unforgettable dining experience.
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The kawaii Japanese Asst. Manager (I forgot her name!) which provides first-class service and crystal clear information on the carte du jour (very helpful if you have no idea on Japanese cuisine), and her jolly and cheerful character that brightens up each and every customer.

Take a look at the menu below, it's made of WOOD! Heavy and very solid indeed! ;) Menu's available in four different language: English, Japanese, French and Russian.

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Immerse your taste buds with the splendor and colorful range of Unkaizan specialties and favorites, or settle for a simple, traditional Japanese meal ideal for the less adventurous.
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My first GENUINE Japanese meal, in Japanese eatery, opened and managed by Japanese people, serves authentic Japanese food (puh-leez lah... no Sushi King okay!!!), OMG I felt as if I'm in Japan now wtf... :k

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My birthday dinner... :D No, I didn't put on my dress/make-up/fake eyelashes/heels cos we were rushing from one place to another and we are too darn hungry to bath, put on nice fancy clothes and make-up wtf cos we prioritize our stomach. :p

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My Nabeyaki Udon, RM20. Specially hand made udon noodle which gives the extra "ummphhh". Slurrpppp~~~ :p

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Super duper chunky sashimi... I can't forget the wonderful feeling when I took my first bite on it... Heavenly~ The sashimis are beautifully arranged on a HUGE sea shell.

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Octopus, which I felt so geli to bite on it. What if the tentacles are still alive and sucked my stomach's wall? I might die wtf.

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"She sell sea shells by the sea shore" wtf.

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Wei-Hwa's sashimi set which consist of super thick chunky sashimi, steam rice, chawan mushi, pickles and miso soup, RM55.

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OMFG, looklooklook at the sashimi! Slurrppp~ I got hungry by just thinking and looking at this!

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Tuna tuna tune to the tone don't you laugh cos I'm trying to rhyme.

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1, 2, 3 SMILE Mr. Tuna Tune Tone... :p

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Our side dish: Chicken katsu ni (deep fried chicken cooked with eggs). One word to describe my feeling the moment I took the first bite: scrumptiously yummy to the max! Opps, that's more than a word. Haha... :D Happy birthday to me, 7 July (I'm not telling you the year).

I am absolutely sleepy right now I wanna go to sleep cos I am working tomorrow *darn* I don't wanna put the full stop to this sentence and this sentence turning very lengthy indeed *nah* Barbie told me she will like it anyway *weewangwang... weewangwang* my head starter to spin round and round I think I really need to get going hmmm when should I place the full stop *damn* I can't go to sleep if I go on and on like this I better make up my mind quick on where to put now or else I will be typing this forever *hey* it's the Hungry Ghost Month and it's 10 minutes to 12 midnight now I better snooze off cos I'm scared of ghost wtf who doesnt you tell me good night.

18 *twinkles*:

Akira 思胜 said...

My god! This is the food I love the most, Japanese food! wth, I wanna eat also lar... Please serve me Sashimi, will ya? hehe...

ßrigida Ayson © Copyright said...

I love Japanese food and style of service... However, when I saw your hair, I love it even more.

Yap, that caught my attention more that the food you're blogging. OMG, so straight, shiny, and comfortable. I used to have a short hair like that. Now I want to have it again. I wonder though If I'd look better on it like you do. Meiwah is soooo cute!

eunice said...

Guess what? At first I got mixed up! I thought er.. is this in Japan? Er... no Langkawi... er no think is Japan.. haha! So in Langkawi at a Japanese Restaurant yeah?! The Japanese food looks very good quality.

Roses said...

the sashimi slices are so thick...
i wanna eat japanese food again....
u are not the type that do make-up, wear heels n nice nice baju just to take photos for ur blog. keep ur carefree style that's the pretty part of it

Barbie said...

Lol... Mei Wah dear! Even without make up, you still look incredibly cute in your very own natural way. Prioritize ur tummy? wakakaka...

Awww... octopus! You're rite! What if the pieces of it are somewhat still alive? I can't imagine, but nth happened, anyway. ^ ^ None of this silly case would happen, I guess.

Hey hey dear? Why you were trying to get the non-full stop? Got my name mentioned there ^ ^ Yeah, I like it cuz it reflects upon your high sense of humor.


Mei-Wah said...

dear Akira: i wanna have more of those fresh succulent chunky sashimi! having too much sashimi will bring us only goodness! kekeke... (^^)

dear Bridge: OMG, you love my hair? it was shiny cos it was coated with oil and dust! hahaa... thank you anyway~ :) i think you will look pretty on short hair! i am sure you will look fresh and more vibrant thank before!

dear Eunice: hahaha... you are so funny! :) i'm still talking about Langkawi, but i am dreaming bout Japan. i wanna go Japan!

dear R: thanks sweetie... let's save money for Japan! and eat sashimi for real in Japan...

dear Barbie: oh my god, you are making me blush by saying i'm cute. i am getting older, cute will be slowly be removed from my dictionary... :D

Beverly's Secret said...

you remind me to have sushi tonight...

Chobits said...

I want chicken katsu ni!! =)
Hmm..speaking of make up, i realize i never see your make up pic before, i want to see hehe~ XD
LOL! There is no coma and full stop for the last sentence haha~this prove that you are.....talkative. XD

Chobits said...

I want chicken katsu ni!! =)
Hmm..speaking of make up, i realize i never see your make up pic before, i want to see hehe~ XD
LOL! There is no coma and full stop for the last sentence haha~this prove that you are.....talkative. XD

Chobits said...

Sorry accidentally post two comments, i am always like this. So blur...=.=

古墓街第7号當鋪 said...

Now only i know Langkawi got Japanese restaurant -_-
Those pics make me want to go to Langkawi! *Sigh*

fufu said...

the food look good but i ponder the taste =p

Anne said...

Oh~! i dun like shashimi~
i dun like sushi also~!
juz like the japanese decoration ~~ hehe^^
wow~ at there muz be expense a lot is it~ haha~~

Piggy said...

Wah....very very nice food....yummy :)

Dragon said...

wow, nice nice nice..... overall how much? u have a nice birthday dinner wor!!!!!

Tim-Kimokeo Voon said...

u make me crave for japs food now...
me is darn hungry now...

eh nice or not ah? next time i go there must bring me go round ya ahahah!!! ahahh! never been there ah! sibeh sakai ah ahahha!

Keith said...

I went back to the Japanese restaurant I visited July 8 (my birthday) and was given a fortune cookie(scary) that told me my luck would not improve until spring.

The food was delightful from the miso broth, tha sashimi, the pickled jahe, and several pieces of tempura vegetables.... I decided they are pretty good.

Pete said...

Wah, the Japanese food looks good! Gonna stop by there on my next visit to Langkawi.


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